| Problem z radeonem 9200 Linux PLD |
Wysłano: Wtorek, 19 Października 2004, 17:26 |
Mam problem z wystartowaniem Xorg na radeonie 9200 jak narazie udalom i sie tylko na vesa
System PLD 2.0 test
A robilem tak
Na poczatek X11-driver-firegl , X11---radeon X11---ati nic mi sie nie udalo
ładowalem mod radeonfb niedzialalo
agp.. byl ladowany
przy instalacji firegl jak w xorg.conf w driver podawalem firegl mowil ze nie moze zaladowac modu itp jak robilem modprobe -l | grep firegl nie byla zadnego modu
to samo z adeonem i ati
Przy instalacji flgrx wywala mi cos takiego
*** Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
*** Found kernel module build environment, generating kernel module now.
ATI module generator V 2.0
XFree86 drm includes at /lib/modules/2.6.7/build/include/../drivers/char/drm do not fit this driver.
This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
*** Warning ***
The QT based control panel application did not load in any version.
ATI display drivers successfully installed
please run 'fglrxconfig' now
zrobilem sh make.sh
ATI module generator V 2.0
XFree86 drm includes at /lib/modules/2.6.7/build/include/../drivers/char/drm do not fit this driver.
This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
i nic
jeszcze zprawdzalem pakiet ATI-6.7.0
po tym w driver wklepalem radeon i xorg nei wywali problemu z driver ale zato nie wiem co wklepac w ChipSet
nie mam juz sily nie wiem co zle robie :(
Jesli ma ktos jakis sposob na instalacje tej karty prosze o pomoc wraz z mini instalacja i jakie pakiety itp
no i jakie ustawienia do tych pakietow w xorg.conf
2 problem dzwiek sb live w PLD 1.0 no problem :)) akrta jest na mod emu10k1 nie znalazlem w 2.0 takiego tylko emu10k1_gp
sprawdzalem alse alsaconf blokowala sie na szukaniu karty
instalowalem emu- ... itp
tys nic
no i co z tym fantem zrobic :(
Pozdrawiam i dzieki za pomoc :) |
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